сряда, 2 май 2012 г.

Festivals in Europe: International Fireworks Festival Cannes

There are some significantly spectacular festivals, which a person should see at least once in a lifetime and one of them is the International Fireworks Festival Cannes.

The festival is a competition between world renown firework manufacturers and  pyrotechnic show specialists, who battle in the colorful battle of the skies several days each year.

The International Fireworks Festival Cannes 2012 will take place at the Bay of Cannes and will host competitors from Italy, China, Spain, France and Germany, who will present their firework shows along a wonderful musical program, making the event a spectactacle for the sences a person remembers for a really really long time.

This years festival dates will be as follows:

14 July 2012
21 July 2012
29 July 2012
07 Aug 2012
15 Aug 2012

A beautiful vacation in Cannes is a memorable experience itself, but combining the holiday with an event from the International Fireworks Festival Cannes program is definitely one of Europe's finest experiences.

Additional information about the program and the competitors can be found on the official web-site of the International Fireworks Festival Cannes:


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